The County Assembly of Garissa and the Refugee consortium of Kenya (RCK) is holding two days planning meeting workshop for the senior staff members in a move that is aimed at strengthening partnership to entrench Refugee Related Lagislations and enhanced Participation for both the refugees and the host community in the County.
Th Meeting was Officialy opened by the Deputy speaker Hon Musdaf Abdirashid, member for Iftin. In his opening remarks, the Deputy Speaker emphasized the role played by partners in leveraging on matters that are dear to the residents of the County, which is Good Governance that’s anchored on Accountability and Transparency. He said, this will in turn improve delivery of Quality services to the refugees and the host community.
Hon Abdirashid praised the organisation for giving equal treatment to both the refugees and the host communities. He said that Garissa county is hosting the largest refugees population in Africa whose impacts on the host communities is devastating and RCK is bringing about social, Economic integration of the Refugee population and the host community.
This training workshop comes barely a month after the Assembly and the organisation signed a letter of agreement (LOA) in partnership and cooperation on areas of legislation, Public Participation, sharing Knowledge, Community Service, Climate Change Actions, etc. …
He noted that since its establishment the organisations has influenced government, partners and donors to invest in changing social attitudes and norms, policies and shaping public opinion with the aim of protecting and promoting the well being, voice and dignity of the refugees and the host communities.
A senior RCK official madam Caroline Njoroge stated that the organisation focuses on five strategic pillars …
These pillars include-a)- legal aid and governance
b)-peace and social justice
c)- Women and girls Empowerment
d)-Mental health and psycho-social support and e) – Organisational development
She said that County Assembly of Garissa and RCk will partner in areas of capacity building, legislation and support citizen participation in legislation and policy formulation among other emerging issues.
The two Organisation developed a working plan that will guide their activities to achieve the set Goals and targets.